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Río Loco - Guánica Bay

Restoring the Historic Guánica Lagoon to Reduce Land-based Sources of Pollution in a Priority Watershed in Puerto Rico

Funded by: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Period of Performance: 2024-2027

Summary: Through this project Protectores de Cuencas will work to restore the historic Guánica Lagoon. Before being drained in the 1950’s the lagoon was an important ecosystem for local fauna and provided protection to nearby coastal ecosystems by acting as a filter for sediments and nutrients. The project is expected to have significant ecological and socio-economic benefits for underserved communities in southern Puerto Rico.

Watershed Coordination, Protection and Restoration to Control Land Based Pollution in Guanica, Puerto Rico

Funded by: Horsley Witten Group / NOAA

Period of Performance: 2021-2023


Prevención de Incendios Forestales y Regeneración de Bosques Nativos en Guánica, Puerto Rico.

Funded by: Banco Popular

Period of Performance: 2022-2022

Summary: Expand PDC's ongoing prevention and restoration efforts in fire-prone areas along Highway 333 in the Guánica Dry Forest (BSG). 


Increasing Natural Resources Resiliency by Creating a Native Seed Bank

Funded by: Global Giving

Period of Performance: 2020- Present

Summary: The purpose of the project is to guarantee the availability of seeds for recovery efforts after the impact of major hurricanes. The purpose was to expand PDC’s nursery facilities, build a mobile seed bank and propagate native trees for conservation and agricultural value to assist farmers, landowners, public areas, and local and federal environmental agencies.  


Restore Impacted Protected Forests

Funded by: Global Giving

Period of Performance: 2020- Present

Summary: Expand PDC's ongoing prevention and restoration efforts in fire-prone areas along Highway 333 in the Guánica Dry Forest. 


Guanica Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP)

Funded by: Horsley Witten Group / NOAA

Period of Performance: 2022- 2024

Summary: Enhanced Project Oversight and Post-construction Monitoring. PDC will complete the construction of the treatment wetlands at the Guanica Wastewater Treatment Plant including 1) constructing the inner berms within the existing wetland cells, 2) stabilizing the berms using hydroseeding, 3) install drainage pipes into and between the wetland cells, 4) vegetative plantings of the wetlands, 5) installation of a security fence and 6) monitoring and maintenance of the project for 12 months.


Evaluation of Best Management Practices for Erosion Control in Guánica Bay Watershed

Funded by: NFWF

Period of Performance: 2018-2022

Summary: Project team evaluated erosion control measure effectiveness, developed user-friendly erosion assessment and best practices design tools, and trained interested groups in how to execute erosion mitigation plans based on proven cost-effective techniques within the Guánica Bay sub watershed. 


Building Resiliency in the Guanica State Forest

Funded by: NOAA / Coral Reef Conservation Program, Domestic Coral Reef Conservation Grants

Period of Performance: 2019-2023

Summary: Full project title is "Building resiliency and development of a Management Action Plan for the Marine Extension of the Guanica State Forest". This project focused on two main goals: creation of a Management Action Plan for the Marine Extension of the Guánica State Forest and implementation of best management practices for erosion control in Aurora Cay.


Forest Fire Prevention in Fire Prone Landscapes

Funded by: USDA-FS

Period of Performance: 2021-2024

Summary: Full project title is "Forest Fire Preventon in Fire Prone Landscapes in Puerto Rico Phase I", and "Forest Fire Prevention and Native Forest Regeneration in Guanica". Expand PDC's ongoing prevention and restoration efforts in fire-prone areas along Highway 333 in the Guánica Dry Forest (BSG) and create a Community Wildfire Protection Plan. 


Coastal Habitat Restoration in Guánica

Funded by: USFWS

Period of Performance: 2021-2025

Summary: PDC will improve the habitat for the Puerto Rican crested toad and monitor populations by conducting an assessment with USFWS staff to identify and prioritize restoration actions within Manglillo, Tamarindo and La Jungla, repair ponds that promote natural reproduction of the crested toad, create ponds in potential reintroduction/reproduction sites, reforest with threatened cobana negra (Stahlia monosperma) near ponds and Reintroduce and monitor Puerto Rican crested toad populations. 


Southwest Marine Specialist

Funded by: DRNA-PMZC

Period of Performance: 2021-2021

Summary: Full project title is "Southwest Marine Specialist: Cabo Rojo Watershed Pollution Threat Analysis for Potential BMPs & Pilot Project". The main goal of this project was to advance management capacity and conservation efforts that benefit coastal and marine ecosystems in the southwest region of Puerto Rico, particularly in the Guánica State Forest Marine Extension (GSF-ME) and in the coastal areas surrounding the Cabo Rojo Watershed (CRW). 


​Assessment of Pathways and Degradation of Marine Debris

Funded by: NOAA Marine Debris/Villanova University

Period of Performance: 2021-2024

Summary: Full project title is "Assessment of Pathways and Degradation of Marine Debris within the Guanica Watershed and Surrounding Region of Southwest Puerto Rico". PDC is collaborating with Villanova University, Alelí Environmental, Inc. PDC will assist in a regional assessment of the Guánica Watershed by analyzing upstream sources of marine debri, transport to downstream areas of coastal deposition, and field and laboratory degradation experiments. 


Coastal and Wetland Restoration of the Papayo Coastal Lagoon Wetland in Lajas, Puerto Rico 


Period of Performance: 2021-2023

Summary: This project proposed the reopening of the tidal channel connecting with El Papayo coastal lagoon. To achieve this, PDC completed the permits and environmental compliance process, and community engagement to dissipate any community concerns, examine project alternatives, and discuss the benefits of the coastal wetlands ecosystem services restoration. 

Restoration of Wetlands in Puerto Rico

Funded by: USFWS

Period of Performance: 2020-2023

Summary: PDC will complete Phase II of the coastal wetland restoration project in JBNERR, Salinas and will initiate wetland restoration efforts in the Papayo Coastal Lagoon, Lajas.







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